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Dental Bonding

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Only $109 – Includes all necessary X-rays and Dr. examination

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Considering a major dental procedure and want a second opinion? Request a complementary consultation today ($195 value).

Restore Your Smile Quickly and Affordably

If you’re looking for a quick fix that is simple yet effective dental bonding is for you. Bonding is a great solution for concealing imperfections that negatively impact your smile and self confidence. You can improve those imperfections and create a more aesthetically pleasing smile in just one office visit. Leave with your newfound confidence, healthy smile, and a smile that your proud to share with the world.

Who is a candidate for dental bonding?

If you find yourself scrutinizing your smile and feeling self conscious about it then you may be wondering if dental bonding is for you. Dental bonding is a perfect solution for individuals who have staining, chips, or gaps that are dulling your smile and confidence.

Why you should consider dental bonding

Dental bonding is an affordable and accessible solution that can drastically improve the appearance of your teeth in as little as one visit. Bonding is a versatile option that provides natural-looking results when composite is carefully sculpted over your teeth.

Treatment Process

  1. You and your dentist will discuss your goals and identify the specific issues you would like to address.
  2. The composite-resin will then be shade-matched to the surrounding teeth for optimal aesthetics.
  3. The doctor will apply the resin to the treatment area, molding the material around the existing tooth structure to achieve the desired shape and size
  4. Using a curing light, the resin will be hardened.
  5. Finally, the dentist will polish the tooth and resin for the most natural-looking results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dental bonding costs about $100 to $400 per tooth, making it an affordable way to address minor cosmetic concerns. The final cost of your treatment will depend on the number of teeth being addressed, your goals for treatment, and your location.



Since there is minimal preparation, bonding material can be applied to the tooth in one appointment. The process usually takes under one hour.
Bonding is an excellent solution to individuals that have minor cosmetic concerns with their smiles.
As dental bonding is often considered an elective cosmetic procedure, it is generally not covered by insurance. However, if treatment improves areas of the smile that are compromised by decay or damage, insurance may provide partial or full coverage. Overall, it depends on the reason for bonding and the insurance carrier you have.
While porcelain veneers can address more extensive concerns, they typically cost between $800 to $3,000 per tooth. A bonding treatment can address similar issues at a fraction of the cost. Patients can expect to spend about $100 to $400 per tooth. Additionally, patients with compromised enamel may not be candidates for porcelain veneers. Dental bonding does not impose the same restrictions.